Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Utah County Fair

 We heard on the radio about the Utah County Fair - in the Spanish Fork Fairgrounds - free admission, free parking - so we went Thursday afternoon..August 15th.  It was actually kind of lame - but I guess you get what you pay for, right>  Mostly 4-H and FFA - which is okay - fun to watch the kids with their animals.
 Goat judging - we watched the sheep and steers being groomed, washed, blow dryed, etc. to get them ready for showing.
 Three little pigs!
 Turkey with a pretty bad photographer!
 Better picture.
 Star Wars legos - pretty amazing.
 More amazing legos.
 Awesome - how do they keep them together when moving them?  glue?
I liked that they had set up a table with legos for anyone to come and play on!!

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