Thursday, August 8, 2019

Bozeman MT visit

 We were happy to drive to Bozeman - such a pretty drive - and visit with Stan, Julie and Thia.  They took us on this short hike to some water fall - Thia was asleep in the car and stayed asleep in the backpack !  Strong Stan to carried her all the way up the trail.

 We really enjoyed being out in the mountains and hiking - not too quick but we made it.  My hand bandage looks so big here - it hasn't been too bad. 

Pretty water fall.
 Thia woke up on the way back down the trail - has to be more comfortable for her and Stan!
 As we were hiking back to the parking lot, Thia said: "I hope we can find a log to sit on!"  We did!  Nice shady part of the trailhead, with restrooms.  Stan built a small fire in a firepit and we enjoyed just being in the woods! 
 Thia exploring with Grandpa - she wanted to chase the smoke from the fire!!
 Such a beautiful sight!
 Thia in the red/white/and blue shirts that her Daddy wore as a little one!
This with her three year old birthday balloons!  Stan took Dad fishing one day and Julie took me to see her new school.  It is going to be much nicer for her - and her wonderful program. We also were successful shopping for western bandanas for next years family reunion.  It is always nice to visit and spend time with loved ones.  While we were there Thia asked when her little sister was going to come! 

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