Thursday, August 8, 2019

Reid - finally Home - Russian Mission Reunion

Saturday, April 6th - Reid finally came home - everyone was very happy for that!  Especially Dan and Lindsey - he had to have ozygen most of the day and all night - but only for a week!
 The Fairbanks grandkids spent some time with us - here they are shredding documents for us - good helpers!
 Tait likes to play with the Russian Matruska dolls - he is good at putting them back together.
 This is the toy box that Harold had as a little boy - we love havinf the grandchildren use it now.
 We even got to have Reid while Lindsey went to her doctor.  It is so handy to live so near - the kids can walk up to our house and we walk down to theirs in a matter of minutes.
 Coloring at our kitchen table.
Marble game - always a blast - neoghbor boy Asher likes coming to our house with Millie.

 It was delightful to attend a Novosibirsk Russian Mission Reunion in Salt Lake.  Here is an overall view of the many wonderful volunteers who have served over the years ... we didn't know very many but made several new friends!
 Sister Nelson, me, Sister Tobler and Sister Dolinar - all lovely sister voluneers that we love very much! 
 Elder Young served in Irkutsk with us, Elder Rivers in Vladivostok as Zone Leader - he spoke in a Zone Conference and one of the things he said to new missionaries was:" learn the 5 Russian names!"  So many are called Victor, Natastia, etc. made us all laugh!
 The wonderful Office Couple the Heiselbetz's - we love them so much!
 Everyone who attended - there is a special bond with brothers and sisters who went through the same experiences as you did - especially in serving the Lord.
 Our beautiful Sister Wilcox ame home to Idaho March 27, we hadn't seen her but her family came to General Conference so we met on Temple Square - while waiting for her we randomly saw Elder Walker - he served with us in Novosibirsk - you sure grow to love these wonderful young volunteers.
 Elder Walker - Jaydean - had a very nice young lady with him!!  When he left on his mission he had a one year old sister - when he would talk to his family - she called him Elder Walker!  When he was going home she asked himm to bring her a doll - we helped him find one!
 The Wilcox family, except a son serving in South America - lovely people.
 I've always loved the flowers on Temple Square - one of my cousins said her dream job would be to work in the flower beds on Temple Square!
My Nana and Grandpappy's house at the end of West Temple street - great memories of this house.  See the highest gable?  That was Aunt Ethel's room when she was in Salt Lake - she lived in Washington, D.C. most of the time.  Sue and I stayed with our Smith Grandparents for a week once when Mom and Dad went on a trip - we stayed in Ethel's bedroom. I was looking out the window and pushed the screen out - it was laying on the small part of roof - Grandpa wasn't very happy about that!

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