Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Red Shirt Lake - Pike fishing

Derrell rented two canoes and we took the paddles, our fishing gear, put on our rain gear, and hiked three miles to Red Shirt Lake.  Sam and Allie slay the pike fish in that lake.  They are not wanted and the fish and game say to kill as many as you can!!
More getting was really just sprinkling but we didn't want to get wet!
Up the trail - really a nice hike - beautiful scenery and fun people to be with!
There was a large burned over area - Derrell said the fire was about 3 years ago - this stump was burned out in the ground!  We took a short rest here - the pole and paddle also rested a while ...Sterling put her fishing pole down also - but forgot to pick it back up!  When we got to the lake Derrell asked where it was - opps!  Derrell laughed when he figured out it was Sterling's dad Chris's pole!!!  Sterling said she bought it for him.
Maryann met us at the lake - we had been there many 5 minutes and she came hiking down the trail!
Red Shirt Lake - very pretty and the rain stopped so we were happy about that.

Derrell, Maryann and Sterling took one canoe - Harold and I the other one - such fun!
Harold caught the first fish!  and then two more in about 35 minutes.  After that - nothing but lots of strikes.  Sam told us later that we were using too large a hook! 
Sterling caught her first fish - she was pretty excited about it - and brought it back to Anchorage to show LaNore!
Hiking back out - though this burned out area - pretty fireweed!
Fairy Dancing on top of mushroom!
The fireweed was amazing - Mother Nature takes good care of the earth - if we will let her!

The three fish that Harold caught - Derrell called him the fish slayer!

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