Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Utah State Hospital and Hardy's Sandy House

 Because of the Corona virus - we are not allowed on the campus of the Utah State Hospital.  No more Sunday meetings (Church wide) no more Monday Family Home Evening, no more visiting with individual patients on our assigned unit - North East.  We are allowed to write letters to them - so we did that today - the Branch President will be able to get them to individual patients.  Here is the front gate - there is a Police car with flashing lights behind the USH sign - and officers stopping each car to see if they are allowed in. 
 This is the side gate that is usually open and we just breeze right in - 3 minutes from our house!  Not anymore!  At least not until all this craziness gets resolved!  I agree we need to keep people safe - life as we knew it is no more!  I'm getting projects accomplished at home with my extra time - from the hospital and the Temple!
 Monday when we picked up the Fairbanks children from around 90th South - we decided to drive over and see Jennie and Jason's old house in Sandy.  This is the left side from the front.
 This is from the right side - further away.
I remember taking family pictures on their front porch - blessings of babies, Lindsey home from her mission, etc.  Great memories - great house- greater family!!

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