After our water fun we had lunch at the supermarket near their house - Dick's - the older girls wanted sushi, Sadie and boys had lunchables, and Grandpa and I had crab salad croissants and stuffed tomato.
At the park Reid and Tait loved this driving wheel thing - complete with shifting gears!
Georgia at the small pump pumping water for the other kids to play in. Sadie on top of the rock in the background! There were gates the kids could close so the pump would fill up one area and then they would open the gate to allow it to flow through.
Olivia was the best pumper in our group! Here she is at the larger pump - Reid is trying to help her. There were lots of kids - it was over 100 degrees outside!
Tait trying to pump - he needs a little more leverage - !
Georgia and Millie and Reid at the small pump.
There is a creek across from the play equipment - it was fun to cool off in. Shallow, cold water - Mother Nature's splash pad.
We headed to the Bountiful City Splash Pad after jobs were finished this morning - Tuesday, June 15. It was hot today and we were surprised when there were not many people as we drove up and parked. Turns out that it was closed!! We noticed no water running when we got there, then a lady came out and said it was closed for maintenance - until further notice! Polly told us about another park with a creek running through it - so we packed back up and headed there.
After the girls practiced their piano, Reid got up on the stool and played for us.
Lindsey's ward is bringing in dinners this week - this is the box that last nights came in. Tait and Reid made it into a car and pushed each other around the room. Reid stopped at one point and said - I'm parking!
Tait got out a pan and filled it with cups of water - on the top of the step stool. Then he got out cans of things and pretended to put them in his dinner. He added salt and pepper and had a great time stirring.