Monday, December 21, 2020

December Happenings


Merry Christmas to us from us!  Sam helped a little!!!  Nice to have a small chest freezer again. 
Thai food that we wish we could share with with our Thai friend - Ploy! 
Pretty good - not anything like the Thai food that Poly made for us in Russia!

Monday, December 7, 2020

Happy December


We had the wonderful privilege of these beautiful young women coming to dinner!  They all have finals this week or next and it was fun to catch up with their busy lives!  Shelby got 94% on her last exam in Pharmacology!!!  

Wonderful Memories Advent Calendar Pikes made for us - we love reading about a memory each day and remembering the fun times with them! thanks Emilee for all your hard work!  

This is the Cheese Advent calendar - very yummy and fun also.

Madeline Wilcox came to visit us in Provo - - she lives near Boise, Idaho and is hoping to move to Rexburg next term.  Wonderful Russian missionary~!  Loved seeing her again.
We served together in Irkutsk for about 6 months - she was one of the 'tooth fairies' that helped me so much at the Russian dentist.
Our Christmas Nativity scene that is about 70 years old! 
Our little tree - we bought it at the grocery store - $15.00 dollars!!  small but nice.
Our Christmas front room,  Dad reading, Jerusalem Nativity at the bottom of the tree.  We have lights up outside and a Christmas door mat!!