Sunday, September 27, 2020
Jamaica Mission Friends
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Russian Missionaries wedding receptions
Their party was at the Provo White Shanty! same place my neice's will be on October 30th!
The wedding party was at Hunter Farm - in Lindon - These are all returned Novosibirsk missionaries - Pres and Sister Lamb on the far right end - so happy to see all these wonderful people.
Usually at Zone Conferences we would take a 'sisters' picture - they were just getting ready to take it when we came walking up - and it was fun to be included!!!
Briella's flag football
Briella signed up to play flag football this fall - when she and Heather went to the first practice - they still didn't have a coach for their team - so Heather and Isaac decided to go for it! Sure proud of them!~ Heather said her goal is for the children to have fun, learn a little bit about football.
Here Briella is ready to go!
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Happy Birthday Harold!
Tuesday September 15, Harold's 78th birthday. Polly and Chris brought us yummy dinner from La Casita - best Mexican food in the valley!! We had Briella because Chris is at AT and Heather and the older boys were going to clean their building - and Keenyn was supposed to be at football practice ... I think when he hear that Polly and Chris was going to be at our house - he wanted more to see them than go to practice!We had started doing some simple embroidery when Talus and Baden were at our house. Briella and Keenyn left their's in my sewing bag and we started to finish them - makes my heart happy to have grandchildren want to learn!! I was joking with Keenyn and stuck his needle in the knee pad of his football pants!!
Dad's small Happy Birthday cake - Polly made him an apple pie and brought two kinds of ice cream for it.
So wonderful to have a small celebration with family - thanks to all! Dad had a great birthday and we are both happy to have basic good health and wonderful children and grandchildren !
Wonderful Montana Trip
We had an amazing three days in Montana with Stan, Julie and Thia - Sept. 11-13.
Hebgen Lake is a pretty place. We stayed in a cabin at Yellowstone Holiday - the same place Dad had his men and boys 75th birthday celebration. Here we are eating dinner - delicious foil dinners Julie made and Stan cooked on the camp stove - no fires allowed!!
Julie driving the boat! She took us in circles and honked the horn a lot! fun!!
Julie helping Thia fish, Luna looking on and Stan fishing from the front. Lots of fishing and no catching! The boat ride was delightful - the company amazing and the weather great.
This and I stayed in the cabin and area while the fishers went to several streams - Julie caught 4, Stan and Dad a couple. We ate the one Dad caught the first day with our foil meals - delicious. Thia kept asking for more!! Stan's girl!!
Thia was the happy recipient of Jamaican wooden carved animals - Zebra and Frog. She played and played with them - and she has an amazing imagination!!!
There was an algae bloom on the lake so there was no swimming or wading. But we enjoyed the rock climbing and log sitting!!!
Thia liked the top punk and we played some fun games - she would throw the stuffed animals down to me on the opposite bed and then I would throw them up for her to catch.
All the way from the West KOA where Katie used to work, to the city of West and then on the road to the camp were signs that said: Bison on Road - cautious. Sure enough - we saw these two large bulls - right on the road!
Stan on the phone - told Dad to go fish near the bottom of the dam - and he caught this small but delicious fish.
This is the road to Montana - such a beautiful ride.
We stopped in Rexburg and spent about an hour with this beautiful Maddie!
So nice to catch up with the busy lives of our wonderful grandchildren. Maddie is working for the Birch Apartments - where she lives - and also Cafe Rio.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Elis Marching Band and Labor Day Picnic
Hobble creek fire - we saw it small as we went up the canyon for our Labor Day picnic - on the way home it has grown so much!
Such beautiful granddaughters and roommate! Mary is from Missouri and attend the same Dental School as Kacey - they enjoy studying together!
Timpview Marching Band on Family night - fun to watch and see what they have been practicing all summer!
Eli and his clarinet right in the middle of the picture! They did great and will be happy when their new uniforms come in this week!!
Happenings around Provo
Keenyn's football game - he is number 88 in the middle of the picture. It is fun to watch they play and improve each week!
These are Gramps license plates from 1948! until 1999. He has them up in the old garage and we took them down... not easily - he used screws not nails!
Harold beginning the project of taking them down...Kurt wanted them to add to his collection.
Here is the twin bunk bed in our guest room.
Here is the red twin over double bed in our guest room.
Sammy made the lamp table in high school wood shop - Now we just need lots of guest to use the beds!!
My Mother's West High School Yearbooks
As the Kroeber's were emptying their old garage in order to build the new one, they found my Mother's old West High School yearbooks - 1937 - 1938. It was fun to look at them and see the things her friends would write to her.
Mother was a dancer! with pretty legs who passed them on to all her daughters, and granddaughters!
Vivian Poole was the star of the high school play her senior year - It was a play called Patsy and several in the yearbook told her she was the perfect - Patsy! I should look it up and read it.
The whole play group. There were three acts - she Mom memorized a lot of lines. She always helped us to memorize our talks - one line, two lines, three lines at a time!!
I guess this is another dance costume - kind of strange for school!
I've always thought my Mother was the prettiest one around!
Her Senior Picture - and she was President of the West Associated Girls Club - I'm guessing!
The yearbooks - high school is a fun time of life. I have one book from South High School - my Dad's - 1936. He was a Junior and there were not as many pictures of him as Mom!
Glenn Smith - many people signing his yearbook used the word 'swell' - I think he was swell also!
Dad joined ROTC and said one reason was to have another shirt to wear to school! He is the good looking one at the far left!