Saturday, June 27, 2020

Father's Day and Summer picnic in the park

 Sunday, June 21 Father's Day we joined the Fairbanks and Kroeber's for a picnic at Centennial Park in South Provo.  The food was delicious and the company even better!!
 More wonderful family enjoying beautiful weather and delightful conversation!
 Isaac so good at pushing Tait and Reid on the swings.
 Kacey showing Georgia and Millie how to do it!
 Friday evening, June 26, we joined the Pikes, minus Ben and the Kroeber's minus Chris for another fun picnic - Shelby joined us also.
 More good food and family fun.
 Briella brought her hoverboard and some of the other cousins tried it - here Baden is doing pretty well!  Talus got pretty good also. 
 Cute Reid is all finished with the helmet on the head!  He was carrying that big stick around!
 Tait and Reid really love Cousin Shelby!!
We are looking forward to the family reunion next week!!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Tait's 3rd Birthday and Maddie visit

 Maddie came down from Rexburg for a weekend in Utah - so much fun to have these beautiful granddaughters out to breakfast/lunch!!!  Olivia and Sadie had stayed overnight to attend a friends party ... then they had an 'after' party with Shelby and Kacey!
 Lucky Tait - Aunt Polly gave him wonderful birthday presents and Aunt Chantelle made him a Pippa Pig Cake!
 Shelby and Reid playing some form of badminton!!!
 Cut Tait - three years old!
 Reid and ice cream cone face - cute face!
 Three cakes for a dear three year old - won't happen when he is 20!
 Fun party - love family celebrations!
 Three color cake made by Lindsey!!
 Pile of birthday gifts - fun party.
Best gift of all - a real car to drive!  You can't see the happy grin on his face - and his dads!!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

New Water Heater and Scooter summer hair cut!

 The old water heater has breathed it's last!  It was installed in 1994 so it has had a long life and it was getting annoying when it would just stop!  The landlord and his handyman came over and decided to purchase a new one - after Chris Kroeber came to restart it once, the handyman another time and Dad did it two or three times!  The pilot light would just go out - and then we didn't notice until someone needed hot water and there wasn't any! 
 Here is the old one and the new box!  The handyman was going to come at ll - but made it around 2 and worked until after ll at night!  The new one was one inch larger - and the smallest he could find! It took so long for him to bend the pikes, hook them up and get it going!  As you can see the new one barely fits the small closest it is in!!  So nice to turn the tap and have water! 
 Scooter cat in his long haired glory! 
Scooter's summer haircut!  Kacey took him to the groomers and this is the result.  She said that Jordan would give him his haircut in WA every summer.
Dad calls him 'Simba' - he doesn't seem affected - but must be much cooler on 90 degree days not to have all that black fur on his body! 

Monday, June 1, 2020

Easement rocks

 Harold has worked very hard on taking out the weeds, rocks and dirt from the easement in front of our house.  Then he put down this black fabric paper to discourage weeds when he puts rocks in.
 This is the biggest part of the work, plus Kacey's mini cooper!
 Polly and Chris wanted to take out the rocks from both sides of their driveway - they donated them to us!  plus the truck and the hard labor!!  Thanks so much! Harold thought he would put them in the wheelbarrow and haul them around - Chris said - lets just back up the truck and shovel them out!
 Two handsome hard working men that I love!

Nice to have a handsome, hard working son-in-law to help us!

We really like how much better it looks.

Memorial Day

 We were happy on Monday, May 25th, to visit the graves of our parents and in PG Grandparents.
 Harold and most of the family called LaRue - Grandma Gerry.  I'm glad I got to meet her - she had a hard but amazing life. 
 Pleasant Grove Cemetery - love the view of Mt. Timpanogos - we have our grave site chosen in the new part of the cemetery.
 Handsome Harold - love him!
 Gramps and Granny's graves at the Provo City Cemetery - we think Craig brought flowers also - I brought the flags.
 Notice Polly's rock in the flower bed - "Weeds are like bad habits..."  love it and her!
Provo City Cemetery - beautiful flower garden of memories! 

Eli Birthday

 Sunday, May 24th Eli turned 16 years old!  He requested Jamaican meet patties for his birthday dinner - Heather made them and some rice and peas (beans). I made jerk chicken and cole slaw - plus fruit salad and crab salad - it was fun to have family over to dinner and to celebrate Eli.
 Ignore my thumb in the left of the picture!  We bought an umbrella to go with our picnic table and it is fun to eat outdoors.
 More of the wonderful family who could come - and more of the dumb photographer who can't get her thumb out of the way!
 Millie, Georgia and Briella using the logs around our garden for a balance beam!  So cute!!
 Eli and his key lime cheesecake birthday cake!  Fun blinking lights that he could turn off not have to blow out - safer right?
 Such a wonderful grandsons - both the 16 year old and the 1 year old!!!
 Reid has about a month left to wear the head-shaping helmet - he is so good about wearing it.  Lindsey says he gets to have it off one hour in each 24 hours.  She found a huge scrape on it and was glad he had it on when that happened!
The little girls made 'creations' out of things - tape, sticks, etc.  The Fairbanks had left but I got a picture with Briella and "Bob".