Merry Christmas to us from us! Sam helped a little!!! Nice to have a small chest freezer again.
Thai food that we wish we could share with with our Thai friend - Ploy!
Pretty good - not anything like the Thai food that Poly made for us in Russia!
Merry Christmas to us from us! Sam helped a little!!! Nice to have a small chest freezer again.
We had the wonderful privilege of these beautiful young women coming to dinner! They all have finals this week or next and it was fun to catch up with their busy lives! Shelby got 94% on her last exam in Pharmacology!!!
This is the Cheese Advent calendar - very yummy and fun also.
On Friday, November 27, Sam and Allie and Dad and I drove to Milburn to see the old family store - or what is left of it! On the way there Sam noticed these wild turkeys - about 30 or so! Hard to see in the picture but they are out near the trees.
Lindsey and Dan Fairbanks are in the middle of remodeling their kitchen/living room - they still invited our family to Thanksgiving Dinner. Sam and Allie are visiting from Alaska and we all had a great time.
Wednesday November 25th was Heather and Isaac's birthdays! We had a fun lunch at our house. Heather is 40 and Isaac 14. We had a small carrot cake for Isaac and a birthday pumpkin pie for Heather - it had whipped cream and sprinkles on it!
On Saturday we drove to Polly's to see the new puppies. They have grown so much in two weeks.
These fabric bowl cozy's are so much fun to make and give away! I have been busy doing that for about a month now - super practical and pretty!
Some of the other fabrics I am going to use this week!
I made these two baby quilts on Saturday - our ward has many chances to give to new babies!
When we walked outside after Polly's Birthday dinner - we noticed this fire on side of the mountains to the south of us - it grew overnight but is out now.
Ashlynn at the Wedding Dance - darling girl - Cody and Laura's oldest.